Q & A: How Do I Improve Balance? (Part I)

QI have noticed worsening balance, but my knee hurts, and it is hard to do anything.  I have also seen balance problems in my mother and daughter.  What can we do to improve our balance? -Kay

A.  Kay asks a very fundamental and important question.  Balance is a very important factor in our mobility, and mobility (at its basic level) is life.  The difficult part is that balance is a very complex issue.  It is not something we are born with; it is something we develop.  We are born with many of the basic components of balance, yet it takes many years to develop into what we would consider to be “good” balance.  Kay’s question also touches on a huge issue facing many of our loved ones and our healthcare system in general.  The fundamental reason for the question is how balance affects our mobility and how balance relates to fall prevention.

Before we can adequately answer the question, let’s establish what “balance” is and which body systems affect balance.  Let’s also discuss why balance is so important–particularly as we age.  We are concerned about balance because we are concerned about falling (and we should be).  Falling is the number one cause of hip fracture.  Nearly 20% of all hip fractures in the elderly will result in death within the first year, and 50% of people will never regain their prior level of function.

Poor balance and the fear of falling are one of the primary reasons for declining mobility with aging.  Lack of mobility leads to further decline including: even worsening balance; worsening arthritis and pain; and negative effects on diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis.  It generally leads to a declining quality of life.  Mobility is an important element of life.  The worse one’s balance becomes, the more difficult it is to be mobile.

Understanding Balance

Balance is primarily affected by five different body systems working in combination with each other:

  1. Muscle Strength and Boney Stability – In general, we have to have the strength and bone structure to actually hold ourselves upright. If we don’t have this, the other aspects of balance don’t mean much. Consider a baby or someone with paralysis. Without adequate strength or if you have a severe fracture, you are unable to balance.
  2. Somatosensory – This is the integration of the neurological system (including the brain and nerves throughout the body) with the musculoskeletal system. This includes all the touch and movement nerve receptors in the muscles, tendons, and joints. This also includes our ability to distinguish between hot and cold. One term you may be familiar with is proprioception. It’s a fancy word describing our brain’s ability to know where we are located in space. For example, if we close our eyes and lift our arms overhead, we know where our arms are located. A common problem affecting the somatosensory system is neuropathy. One very common form of neuropathy is from diabetes. Neuropathy is when the nerve cells (typically in the extremities like hands and feet) will die. This may be due to poor blood supply, trauma, infection, disease, or even side effects from medication. The death of the nerve is the “neuropathy” which presents initially when a person may feel cramping, shooting, or burning pain. Ultimately, it affects the person’s ability to feel sensations which causes numbness. Having numb feet makes it very difficult to balance!
  3. Eyesight – Humans are very eyesight dependent when it comes to balance. We rely heavily on our eyesight for mobility and to know where we are located in our environment. Have you ever tried closing your eyes when standing or been in a room that was so dark it was hard to tell which direction was up? Now imagine you have an eye condition such as glaucoma, cataracts, or you wear bifocals. This affects your ability to see and your depth perception—ultimately, affecting your balance. Your eyesight is not just about the acuity at which you see, but is also important when you think of how you see. Gaze stabilization is how well you can stabilize a target in your field of vision. For example, can you stay focused on a moving object or can you move and keep the object in focus? Your eyes must be able to hold an object in focus or quickly move from one object to the next. Your eyesight is also interconnected with your vestibular system.
  4. Vestibular System – Our vestibular system is our inner ears. It provides us with information on head acceleration and gravity. It also works closely with our brains to process information on the head’s position in its environment. It helps us produce reflexes which affect our sense of equilibrium and our eyes’ ability to hold a gaze on a desired target. If you have ever experienced vertigo, then you understand how bad it feels when your vestibular system is malfunctioning. Like a child on the merry-go-round, this system may be fun to stimulate. The vestibular system is one of the more adaptable systems, and with practice, it can be improved.
  5. Central Nervous System – The brain is responsible for coordinating all of the information gathered by the body’s other systems. If the brain is damaged through trauma such as concussions, motor vehicle accidents, and war, then its ability to process information relating to balance could be affected. Another factor could be infections from virus, bacteria, fungal, or a disease process such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. Strokes or aneurisms can also affect balance. If a person has been affected by any of these, treatment should be sought from a qualified medical practitioner.

The key to helping someone improve balance is to understand why his/her balance is worsening in the first place.  Balance is affected by any one or a combination of the body systems listed above.  The brain integrates the information within one’s environment.  Determining the best intervention to address balance-related issues can be difficult and is typically multifactorial.  The first step is to determine what the primary cause is for the decline in balance.

Now that we understand some of the basic components to balance it is easy to understand why answering Kay’s question is more difficult than you might expect.  To effectively treat balance disorders, we have to determine what system or systems are leading to the deficits.  That is usually the most difficult part.  If a person spends time evaluating why his/her balance has worsened, then an effective treatment program can be designed to address the issue.  Thank you, Kay, so much for this question!

In next week’s follow up post, Q & A: How Do I Improve Balance? (Part II), I will offer very specific and practical approaches to improve balance in each of the five categories.  Stay tuned!

If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming blog post, please email contact@thephysicaltherapyadvisor.com.

Q & A: How to Jumpstart a Sedentary Lifestyle

QHey, Ben!  I am SO EXCITED that you are doing this blog!  I think you can help so many of us who are clueless and trying to figure things out, all the while making things worse.

What would you suggest for those of us who have been (shamefully!) too sedentary for too long and desire to get back to a pain-free, in shape lifestyle?  Where do we start?  Arthritis and excess weight make much exercise seem daunting.  I am deathly afraid of injury because I need to care for my family. Here is what I’ve been doing lately:

  1. Tracking everything I eat on MyFitnessPal app
  2. Reducing gluten (it swells my joints)
  3. Walking 1.5 miles in the morning at a 3 mph pace, including one hill; 20 minutes of deep stretching; 30 sit-ups; and 3 sets of bicep curls and triceps extensions.

I need to do more!!  I need to lose 80 lbs., but I can’t yet do the heavy cardio stuff because I don’t want to get hurt.  I’m 45 years old this year.  I hurt when I move.  Please help me get started with something that will lead to fitness if I stick to it!  Thanks, Ben.


A.  Thanks, Erin!  This is a wonderful question because there are many of us who feel exactly the same way you do.  There are many points to ponder about this question, but let’s first acknowledge the positive.  You are aware of your need to address this issue.  It is not too late–45 years is not old (especially when you consider you are likely to live into your 90s).  You are already taking action!

Where we are now in our physical lives is the sum total of choices we have made, and a few random events all sprinkled with the genetics we inherited.  We need to accept ourselves for where we are presently and acknowledge that our fitness and our health is not a destination, but a journey.  Each person’s journey is different.  We need to be realistic with our goals and give ourselves time to undo what we have done to ourselves for years. Let’s get started!

    • Put away the scale. Health is not a number, it’s a feeling. How do you feel? Are you feeling more energetic? Experiencing less pain? Motivated to continue your new lifestyle? If so, you’re on the right track. Never weigh yourself more than once per week.
    • Aim for 1-2 pounds loss per week.
    • Walk daily after dinner. Your walking program is good, but it would be better if you could walk after meals. I would consider after dinner walks. It has a greater benefit on your metabolism and can reduce the risk of diabetes. If you can only walk in the morning, I would suggest walking before your morning meal.
My daughter Alexis and I out for an evening stroll/bike ride.

Alexis and I out on an evening stroll/bike ride.

    • Perform High Intensity Interval Training. Apart from your walking program, perform your cardio in short bursts ranging from 30-60 seconds at a time followed by a one to two minute recovery. The 30-60 seconds should be at a high intensity, meaning your rate of perceived exertion (RPE) is high. You should be breathing heavy. If you are overweight or have arthritis, this may be performed while using a stationary bicycle or in the pool. You can also walk uphill at a quick pace, then stop and rest. This is performed in intervals. Review high intensity training (HIT) or high intensity interval training (HIIT). This type of training will produce the best results for weight loss and fitness. HIIT is a superior way to increase cardiovascular fitness; improve hormonal regulation; increase insulin sensitivity; and burn more calories and fat in a shorter amount of time. The biggest drawback is that it is not easy.
    • Don’t fear heavy weights. The key to increasing your metabolism is lifting weights. This is critical for muscle development and proper hormonal regulation. You must lift heavy things and concentrate on the large muscle groups. For example, start with chair squats or weighted squats. Women in particular tend to fear lifting weights for fear of bulking up. (Don’t worry–you won’t.) If you are a novice, seek reputable advice by consulting a trainer or a physical therapist. Look for the following credentials: NSCA certifications; CSCS certifications; physical therapists with strength training backgrounds; or better yet, get a personal recommendation. There are many qualified trainers, but be careful of many novices. If their recommendations don’t make sense to you, then they probably wouldn’t to me either. You don’t need fancy, just consistency.
    • Test for food sensitivities. Food sensitivities can affect your pain, your energy level, and your hormonal regulation. Request a food sensitivity blood test run from a functional medicine practitioner. http://www.functionalmedicine.org/ If you don’t get your hormones on board with this plan, you will not be successful. A functional medicine doctor can help you work toward health. 
    • Do not diet.
    • Do not eat anything that comes in a package. Most of our food should be from low sugar fruits and vegetables, and protein and healthy fats (primarily from plant sources such as avocados and coconut or olive oil). Any animal fat should be from organic and grass-fed animals.
    • Move more! New research suggests that it is not just about the amount of time spent exercising, it is also about the time spent not moving. The longer you sit, the higher your risk of death. In a recent study, those sitting more than eleven hours a day have a 40% higher risk of death. Move more, more frequently! http://www.medicaldaily.com/sitting-more-11-hours-day-raises-premature-death-risk-40-240006
    • Start slow, but be consistent. Work to progress regularly, and don’t do this alone! Find a group, a friend, or a trainer, but don’t give up!

Healthy living is something to strive for.  To be healthy, we need to address all aspects of our bodies.  We need to work on cardiovascular health, which is best done by HIT followed by regular movement and activity; weight training; good sleep of seven to nine hours on average; plenty of water intake; and healthy eating.  Remember our physical bodies are only part of the equation.  Let’s not forget the social, psychological, and the spiritual aspects that must also be in balance.

Injury is always a concern when we start something new, but it is a risk that we must take.  We either risk orthopaedic injury from an active lifestyle or we can guarantee an unhealthy life full of heart disease, cancer, depression, and diabetes.  However, we must be smart about our activities and slowly taper to a level that is appropriate for each of us.  As a physical therapist, I see just as much arthritis and debility in people who didn’t move much in life as those who over-did.  Our bodies must move to be healthy.  Lack of movement and activity doesn’t prevent orthopaedic breakdown.

This question hit at the heart of what I hope to address on The Physical Therapy Advisor blog.  This answer is by no means all-encompassing.  I will continue to address these topics.  Thank you, Erin, so much for this question!

If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming blog post, please email contact@thephysicaltherapyadvisor.com.