5 Tips on How to Self-Treat Tennis Elbow

Elbow pain is a common issue that can affect a wide range of people including CrossFitters, weightlifters, weekend warriors, and office workers.  One common type of elbow pain is tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) which affects the extensor muscles and tendons of the wrist.

There are many possible reasons for developing elbow pain.  Typically the cause of pain is either from an acute onset or due to repetitive motion and/or muscle imbalance issues.  Examples of an acute onset include over doing yard work or a specific injury such as a trauma.  A repetitive motion and/or muscle imbalance issue can arise from chronic poor posture while sitting at work or from performing a job that requires repeating a task to the point that the tendons are overloaded.

5 Tips on How to Self-Treat Tennis Elbow:


As with many injuries, the initial treatment is RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation).

  • Rest.  Limit any activities that cause pain.
  • Ice.  Use ice as needed for pain and edema control.  The rule for icing is to apply ice no more than twenty minutes per hour.  Do not place the ice directly against the skin, especially if you are using a gel pack style.  A bag of frozen peas can be ideal.  Individuals with poor circulation or impaired sensation should take particular care when icing.
  • Compression.  Consider wearing an elbow compression sleeve.
  • Elevation.  Although it’s not too useful for this specific condition, it would be an excellent time to apply ice.

2. Identify the Offending Movement

If you’re experiencing elbow pain, try to identify which specific movement aggravates the elbow.  Once you have identified the movement, initially avoid it until the pain subsides.  Consider any issues with your technique that may have led to the pain, and address any long term muscle imbalances that may have developed.

3. Work on your Elbow Mobility

Addressing any tissue mobility issues and promoting increased blood flow can help to improve the healing response and reduce the pain.  In this video, I demonstrate how to utilize a mobility/compression band as a self-treatment method for tennis elbow.

Mobility/compression bands, such as the Rogue Fitness VooDoo X Bands or EDGE Mobility Bands, are a novel way to self-mobilize tissue.  The use of a mobility band not only helps to mobilize the tissue, but it affects blood flow to the area and speeds up healing.  A mobility band also helps to reset some of the receptor cells in the muscle tissue which cause excessive muscle tightness as a means to work on tissue mobility.  This will work to directly affect the painful tissues.  (If you suffer from any form of blood clotting disorder or are on blood thinning medications, I would advise against utilizing mobility bands for any type of aggressive, deep compression.)

4. Work on your Upper Thoracic and Shoulder Mobility

Posture plays a critical role in the positioning of your extremities with movement and activity.  Improper posture combined with poor ergonomics is a top reason to develop not only elbow pain, but also neck, upper back, shoulder, and wrist pain.  Regardless if the activity is weightlifting or typing, your posture matters!  Please refer to How to Improve Posture and Eliminate Pain.

If your elbow pain has developed from poor sitting postures or chronic repetitive stresses, then I highly encourage you to also work on upper body mobility by focusing on shoulder and thoracic mobility as well as lower body and spinal mobility.  Subscribe to my e-mail list to gain immediate access to My Top 8 Stretches to Eliminate Neck, Upper Back, and Shoulder Pain for step-by-step exercise instructions and photos.

5. Trial other Methods of Self-Mobilization

Once you start to experience pain, be aggressive with your management and self-treatment.  I like to use either a tennis ball or roll PVC pipe over the forearm area which can be an effective self-mobilization for tennis elbow.  For more ideas on how to self-mobilize, please refer to My Top 3 Household Items for Self-Mobilization.

Cupping is another form of muscle tissue and fascia self-mobilization.  There are many different methods and techniques you can use.  In this video, I demonstrate how to use cupping to treat elbow pain affecting the wrist extensor muscles and tendons.

Elbow pain can be debilitating by limiting your ability to exercise and perform daily tasks.  Be proactive in your care and management.  If the pain persists, seek additional help.  Don’t let the pain linger.  The longer it’s left untreated, the more potential for harm and damage which potentially could lead to a longer recovery.  The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is an excellent resource for learning more about physical therapy as well as locating a physical therapist in your area.

Have you tried using a mobility/compression band as a self-treatment method for tennis elbow?  What was your experience like?  Please leave your comments below.

If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming blog post, please comment below or submit your question to contact@thePhysicalTherapyAdvisor.com.  Be sure to join our growing community on Facebook by liking The Physical Therapy Advisor!

How to alleviate Elbow Pain

Elbow pain is a common issue that can affect a wide range of people.  Two of the most common types of elbow pain include:  tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) which affects the extensor muscles and tendons of the wrist and golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) which affects the flexor muscles and tendons of the wrist.

Possible reasons for developing elbow pain include:

  • Poor grip strength.
  • Muscle imbalances between wrist flexion and extension strength.
  • Improper weight lifting technique.
  • Overuse/overload/overtraining.
  • Mobility related issues in the wrist, shoulder or thoracic spine.
  • Excessive mobility or hypermobility may also be an issue.  It tends to be more common in females than in males, and it’s usually associated with the shoulders or elbows.
  • Repetitive motion injury.
  • Poor posture.
  • Tackling an activity you don’t often do (such as digging holes for a new fence or trimming hedges).

Poor wrist, shoulder or thoracic mobility is also commonly related to elbow pain associated with exercise.  If the wrist cannot flex or extend properly, it not only causes wrist pain, but excessive stretching of the forearm muscles and strain on the elbow (possibly leading to pain).  Elbow pain can be very debilitating.  It can limit your ability to exercise as well as limit your ability to perform daily tasks.

Poor shoulder or thoracic spine mobility can also cause excessive strain on the elbow.  Consider exercises like the overhead lift or pull ups or even the squat.  If the shoulder cannot fully flex or the thoracic cannot fully extend (allowing proper shoulder flexion), then the elbows will absorb more of the load.  The lack of shoulder or thoracic mobility also affects proper alignment of the upper extremity during the movement.  Over time and with multiple repetitions, this overloading can cause pain and injury to the elbow.

Whenever one part of the body doesn’t have adequate mobility, another part will do more to allow for the movement to take place.  When an exercise is performed at a high speed, high relative weight or high repetitions, a lack of mobility can make you more susceptible to pain and injury.

Posture plays a critical role in the positioning of your extremities with movement and even when sitting (including office and/or computer work).  Improper posture combined with poor ergonomics is a top reason to develop not only elbow pain, but also neck, upper back, shoulder, and wrist pain.  Regardless if the activity is weightlifting or typing, your posture matters!  Please refer to How to Improve Posture and Eliminate Pain.

Excessive mobility can have a similar effect.  For example, if you’re performing an overhead lift, but your shoulders flex past 180 degrees, then the bar is too far behind your head.  This causes excessive force to be placed on the shoulders and elbows.  Again, this can lead to injury and pain particularly when performed at a high speed, high relative weight or high repetitions.

How to alleviate Elbow Pain:


As with many injuries, the initial treatment is RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation).

  • Rest.  Limit any activities that cause pain.
  • Ice.  Use ice as needed for pain and edema control.  The rule for icing is to apply ice no more than twenty minutes per hour.  Do not place the ice directly against the skin, especially if you are using a gel pack style.  A bag of frozen peas can be ideal.  Individuals with poor circulation or impaired sensation should take particular care when icing.
  • Compression.  Consider wearing an elbow compression sleeve.
  • Elevation.  Although it’s not too useful for this specific condition, it would be an excellent time to apply ice.


Cupping is a form of muscle tissue and fascia self-mobilization.  There are many different methods and techniques you can use.  In this video, I demonstrate how to use cupping to treat elbow pain affecting the wrist extensor muscles and tendons.

Cupping can be used to treat elbow pain, elbow tendinitis, and tennis elbow.  These CupEDGE Massage Tools are easy to use and helpful for self-treating tight and restricted areas (on other parts of the body, too).  Another option would be to use a Mini Plunger.  This technique should not cause bruising or discoloration.

Work on your Grip Strength

Developing proper grip strength is important in order to avoid elbow pain.  Easy exercises to train grip strength include:  dead lift; pull ups, and farmers carries.  You can even work on hanging from a pull up bar for time as a way to judge your fitness while gaining strength and endurance in your grip.

A common mistake when training grip strength is to under estimate the importance of improving finger and wrist extensor strength.  It’s critical to keep the appropriate balance between wrist flexors and wrist and finger extensors strength to lessen the risk of wrist and elbow overuse injuries such as tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow.

Your grip strength will improve more rapidly as your wrist and hand muscles find their optimal length tension relationship (which allows for maximum strength production).  I often recommend using a thick rubber band as a way to improve finger extension strength (as demonstrated below).  Work on extending each finger equally when performing two sets of 10-15 repetitions multiple times per week.

Elbow pain can be debilitating by limiting your ability to exercise and perform daily tasks.  Be proactive in your care and management.  If the pain persists, seek additional help.  Don’t let the pain linger.  The longer it’s left untreated, the more potential for harm and damage which potentially could lead to a longer recovery.  The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is an excellent resource for learning more about physical therapy as well as locating a physical therapist in your area.

Have you tried cupping as a form of self-mobilization in order to alleviate elbow pain?  What was your experience like?  Please leave your comments below.

If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming blog post, please comment below or submit your question to contact@thePhysicalTherapyAdvisor.com.  Be sure to join our growing community on Facebook by liking The Physical Therapy Advisor!

Tips for Avoiding Injury and Overtraining Syndrome (OTS)

Injury is often associated with Overtraining Syndrome (OTS) or a direct result of it.  Overtraining can occur when the intensity and/or volume of exercise becomes too much for the body to properly recover from.  Many common training injuries are directly associated with OTS.  It’s always best to prevent OTS rather than attempt to recover from it.  OTS usually starts with muscle soreness and a feeling of fatigue.  Then it quickly progresses into a case of Overtraining Syndrome or injury.

Warning signs include:

  • Fatigue (mild to severe)
  • Muscle and body achiness and soreness
  • A sudden drop in performance
  • A drop in strength
  • A drop in cardiovascular endurance
  • Insomnia or excessive sleepiness
  • Illness due to a drop in your immune function
  • Irritability and moodiness
  • Depression and a loss of enthusiasm for activities (such as training)

Proper recovery is critical to avoiding injury and OTS.  Every recovery protocol should include a multifaceted approach that incorporates strategies to positively affect the muscular, nervous, and hormonal systems.  This includes proper nutrition, getting adequate sleep, cross training, and implementing self-care modalities (such as mobility band use and foam roller use).

Focus on your Recovery Nutrition

Your body’s ability to train harder and recover faster is not just about the exercises performed.  It should also be centered on the fuel you put in your body.  Your body cannot perform optimally, recover adequately or heal from injury properly without adequate nutrition.

The majority of your diet should be from real food.  My personal belief is that food which is minimally processed, organic and/or home grown is likely to have a higher nutrient load and will therefore be healthier for you.  Your body simply cannot heal and recover quickly or adequately when substandard fuel “food” is consumed.

I am a believer in supplements although you must choose wisely.  Your dietary belief system, genetics, and the type of exercise and/or activity (such as running) that you mainly participate in will determine which supplements may work best for you.

When choosing supplements, I tend to gravitate toward supplements that can enhance performance, improve recovery, stabilize blood sugar, and reduce systemic inflammation.  The ultimate goal with supplements is to aid your body in improving health and/or performance.  Try to choose the most natural products as possible and experiment to see what works best for you.  Look for supplements that don’t contain extra fillers, sweeteners or additives.

Get Adequate Sleep

On average, we need six to eight hours of sleep each day.  The harder you train, the more rest you need to insure proper recovery.  As you approach a state of overtraining, sleep quality tends to decline.  Consider napping daily.  Many of the country’s top collegiate athletic centers are adding special napping or quiet rooms to their large training centers as more and more trainers realize sleep is critical for recovery.

Hard and prolonged training can deplete one’s body of much needed minerals and macro nutrients.  Most of us are deficient in the amount of magnesium we consume on a regular basis.  Magnesium is a critical nutrient that not only helps to reduce muscle soreness, but also helps you to get a better night of rest.  I choose to take a magnesium supplement nightly before bed.  Mag Glycinate in its oral form is the most highly absorbable.  Otherwise, eat foods, such as spinach, artichokes, and dates, which are higher in magnesium.

Cross Training

Regardless of your sport or athletic endeavor of choice, cross training is an important component in preventing injury and promoting recovery.  Implement cross training in your typical training cycles as a method to limit your risk of injury.  Cross training can also make your training more enjoyable as it keeps your body stimulated and ready for improvement.

Cross training can also be the perfect time to spot train your weak areas.  Work on your mobility and balance as a prevention technique for areas that are prone to injury.  If you have a history of low back pain or a prior knee injury, utilize this time to single out all those weak areas in an effort to prevent injury in the future.

Actively Manage your Aches and Pains 

Be proactive when you start to feel those aches and pains creep up by initiating a self-treatment protocol right away.  It’s always easier to prevent an injury from occurring rather than treating one.

Use a foam roller after exercise in order to speed up your recovery time and decrease the risk of muscle soreness or restriction.  Learn how to self-mobilize by using treatment techniques including mobility bands and cupping.  Don’t underestimate the value of a stretching session or practicing yoga.  You may also consider seeing a masseuse for regular body work.

Overtraining Syndrome can be dangerous and severely limit your ability to train.  It also significantly increases your risk of injury.  Nothing can derail your best laid training plans and goals like an injury or suffering from OTS!  If you develop OTS, you will need to take specific steps to speed up your recovery in order to prevent injury and return to a normal training schedule.


In my book, Preventing and Treating Overtraining Syndrome, I show you how to recognize the risk factors and symptoms of OTS.  You’ll learn how to utilize prevention strategies to help you develop a personal training strategy that will allow you to push past your limits and prior plateau points in order to reach a state of what is known as overreaching (your body’s ability to “supercompensate”).  This will speed up your results, so that you can train harder and more effectively than ever before!  In addition, learn how to use the foam roller (complete with photos and detailed exercise descriptions) as part of a health optimization program, recovery program, rest day or treatment modality.

Discover how you can continue to train hard and avoid the associated poor performance, illness, and injury that can result in lost training days and opportunity!


How to Avoid Overtraining Syndrome (OTS)


Marathon Training Academy

April 28, 2017

Don’t let an injury or Overtraining Syndrome (OTS) derail your running plans or affect your performance.  In this guest post for Marathon Training Academy, you will learn which strategies to implement as you self-treat and manage any potential injury safely and quickly.

Nothing can derail your best laid training plans and goals like an injury or suffering from Overtraining Syndrome (OTS).  OTS usually starts with muscle soreness and a feeling of fatigue.  Then it quickly progresses into a case of overtraining syndrome or injury.  Overtraining can occur when the intensity and/or volume of exercise becomes too much for the body to properly recover from.  Many common running injuries are directly associated with OTS.  It’s always best to prevent OTS rather than attempt to recover from it.  Continue Reading

Cupping, Should Runners Try it Too?



Marathon Training Academy

October 17, 2016

In this guest post for Marathon Training Academy, you will discover what cupping actually is and how to use it to massage and mobilize tissues in order to reduce pain and improve movement.


The 2016 Rio Olympics brought new light to an old treatment–cupping.  The world stared as athletes like Michael Phelps proudly displayed his petechia for the world to see.

Petechia is the medical term for the purplish bruise that can form with certain types of cupping techniques.

After seeing so many Olympic athletes with bruises this year, the rest of us were left wondering about this trend of using cupping as a medical treatment or sports enhancement treatment.  Does cupping really work?  Can I utilize cupping as a self-treatment method for common running related pains?  Continue Reading